/ / Some tips for the head of the technical support department!

Some tips for the head of the technical support department!

✔️ Listen to users – study customer questions, dissatisfactions, intonations. By giving value to user requests, you can find problems and solutions, optimize your work and increase customer loyalty. After all, by contacting support the user spends his time, energy and nerves – he expects to be heard and his problem to be solved.

✔️  Organize the collection of feedback on a regular basis. Ask for and encourage users to leave feedback and suggestions about your customer service. This way you can find and prevent problems and begin to understand your customers better.

✔️ Communicate with users, tell them about the support service, what difficulties it faces, how it solves them and how certain systems work. Be open and inform them about possible problems. Learn to communicate with your users, and they will forgive you for your mistakes. And, of course, apologize for those mistakes. After all, the customer doesn’t care who caused the problem, he expects technical support to take responsibility and help fix it.

✔️ Take care not only of the interests of the IT department, but also of the user experience. Evaluate how a particular solution will affect the usability of systems by employees and customers.

✔️ Support company employees. Especially in a remote work environment, when employees are not able to come into the office promptly to solve some tasks. Take time for employees and their problems, whether they work in the office or remotely.

Sunflower Communications Group software helps to optimize helpdesk operations, improve service quality, analyze requests and automate processes.