/ / Participation in the “GigaCloud Partners Day” online event

Participation in the “GigaCloud Partners Day” online event

On Thursday, December 9, Sunflower Communications Group participated in the online event “GigaCloud Partners Day”. Zoom gathered the leading Ukrainian small and medium-sized companies from different markets: from retail to SaaS. Event was devoted to 2021 year results, partnership relations and products. Moreover for the first time in the history of GigaCloud Partners Day they added a new thematic block – marketing.

GigaCloud CEO Artem Kokhanevich started the event, sharing his experience and describing how GigaCloud managed to become the fastest growing cloud provider in Ukraine. Lubomir Doroshenko, head of partner and client sales at GigaCloud, and Vadim Dubrovin, head of partner relations at GigaCloud, continued the program, saying that their partner program is based on cooperation, trust, competence, problem solving, loyalty, and development. Georgy Tregubov, head of product development, traditionally talked about the company’s new services and future plans. This year, GigaCloud was the first in Ukraine to partner with Red Hat. Red Hat is an American company producing software based on the operating system Linux: Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Fedora. Vladyslava Sova, CMO of GigaCloud, explained how the marketing department works, what tools they use, and new “tricks” that are useful for working with clients.

At the end of the GigaCloud Partners Day online event, the best partners were awarded.

Sunflower Communications Group would like to thank the “GigaCloud” speakers for the great and competent preparatory work, who shared their great experience.